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Wysłany: Wto 12:18, 10 Gru 2013 Temat postu: Never To Buy A Replica Handbag From handbag001 |
Never To Buy A Replica Handbag From handbag001
PRLog (Press Release) Nov. 3, 2009 Last weekend, I spent 5 hours on Friday afternoon looking for cheap handbags on eBay. I really want to own one unique and cheap handbag to show my special taste to other girls. The classical Louis Vuitton handbags have won me over long ago. And then this evening, I was determined to buy a common cheap handbag instead of brand handbags.
There're so many cheap handbags on eBay, however, most of them are replica brand handbags of all famous brands, such as LV, Chanel,[url=http://www.sport.fr/smartphones/moncler.asp]moncler pas cher[/url], Gucci and Coach. This uncommon phenomenon caused my interests. Why so many people like to buy replica brand handbags instead of original ones? Don't they think that it's a shame to buy replica brand handbags? Don't they hate fake handbags? I have thought about this problem for a long time. And then, I also searched the reasons why they choose to buy replica brand handbags in Google. Then I get some details about this problem.
The first reason is that all replica brand handbags are very cheap. As we all know, brand handbags are all known for their high price tags, and not everyone can afford it. By contrast, all replica brand handbags are very cheap. Therefore, almost everyone can afford a replica brand handbag instead of an original one.
Secondly, "replica" is not equal to the word "fake". Fake means that the quality of products is very bad, while replica means that the quality of products is very good and all products are made of fine materials and leather. You can't look them as one thing. They are totally two different things.
Although I hate fake products, I like replica brand handbags of high quality well just like other fashion girls. PRLog can't be held liable for the content posted by others. Report Abuse. |